August 30, 2020

SAT Exam- Things you must know about SAT 2020

SAT EXAM- Things you must know about the SAT. You must have heard about the advantages of giving an SAT exam. But what exactly is the SAT exam and does this test give you SAT exam scholarships? Is it compulsory to give the SAT exam? Who all must give the SAT exam? What importance does it hold and what are its benefits? Some say that SAT ensures your seat in colleges abroad whereas some hold quite an opposite opinion. People are usually confused about this exam due to the lack of information available both online and offline. But you don’t have to worry anymore because in this article we will provide you with all the essential information related to SAT. The complete SAT exam is explained in this blog.

Topics covered in this article

  1. Intro
  2. What is SAT
  3. Who is required to give SAT
  4. Why should you take SAT
  5. Benefits of SAT
  6. Eligibility for SAT
  7. How to prepare for SAT
  8. SAT scholarships

What exactly is the SAT?

SAT or Scholastic Assessment Test, earlier known to be as Scholastic Aptitude Test is an entrance exam, just like other Entrance exams but with a much wider scope. Unlike JEE which is only limited to the field of Engineering, SAT is applicable in multiple fields like LAW, Business Management, Engineering, Journalism, and others, and almost all the Universities in India, the USA, and Canada give high weightage to your SAT scores. Overview of SAT exam explained in this blog.

SAT is owned and run by the College Board, which a private and non-profit organization in the USA and is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), and with the changing times, its name has also been changed several times. SAT is a paper-based standardized test to measure the student’s readiness for colleges.

Who is required to give the SAT exam?

The SAT exam is conducted to evaluate the written, verbal and mathematical skills of a student. Everyone who wishes to pursue their graduation in the USA, Singapore, UK, or Canada is required to give the SAT exam. Many colleges and schools offer huge scholarships to students based on their SAT results. If you do good Sat exam preparation then you are good to go.

If you are someone who has completed their Secondary education and now you want to pursue graduation in the USA, then a good SAT score might be your ticket to the USA.


SAT exam is not the only criterion for admissions in schools and colleges abroad. Various other factors are determining factors for your admission. For example, your GPA, academic transcripts, Letter of Recommendations (LoR), personal essays, and various other things are also evaluated. But SAT is an additional test that enhances your chances of admission to colleges in the USA, Canada, the UK, and other countries.

Why should you take the SAT?

If you want to seek admission to any undergraduate program in the USA then you must take the SAT subject test to show your knowledge of that particular subject. Literature, History, Mathematics, Foreign Languages, and Sciences are the subjects for the SAT subject test, and SAT exam preparation for these subjects is your subject preparation.

Many colleges and schools offer scholarships based on the result of your SAT. Education are costlier in the USA and Canada, and in that case, a good in hand scholarship can be of great help because not will it relieve you from the financial burden but will also help you build your status. In addition to this, you can know more about the SAT from its official


  1. Saves Money

The official website of the SAT has many sample test papers for students and all these are available free of cost. You can easily access them from their official website

This saves you the high coaching fee from institutes and SAT exam scholarships are very useful.

  1. Longer Duration.

The time duration for the SAT is longer than that of any other entrance exam. SAT is conducted for 3 hours (without the written essay) and 3 hours and 50 minutes (with the written essay). Whereas if we talk about any other Entrance test conducted in India, the maximum time allotted is 3 hours. If you have done excellent SAT exam preparation, then this much time is more than enough for you.

  1. Number of Attempts

Where on one hand in India any exam is conducted twice per year, SAT, on the other hand, is conducted more than 5 times a year and the last-minute signing-up for the test is also easier.

  1. No Negative, Only Positive Marking Scheme.

There is no Negative Marking in the SAT. This means that even if you don’t know an answer, you can guess and answer. Even if it will be wrong there’s no harm, but in case it turns out to be correct, then you will get many benefits.


SAT has not laid down any specific eligibility criteria for this test. The College Board which is responsible for SATs has not laid down any specific qualifications for this test. Students who dream to study abroad require to take the SAT exam to boost their chances of admission to colleges abroad. The administration has not laid down any specific requirements to attempt this test. SAT exam preparation is not very difficult but it is not that easy too.

But some points can be considered.

  1. Age-limit

No age limit has been set up to attempt this test. There is no minimum or maximum age to take the SAT exam but studies have shown that students between the ages group of 17-19 are maximum who attempt the SAT.

  1. The number of attempts.

Well, a specific number has not been mentioned by the College Board as to how many attempts can be made for this test. So likely you can take this exam a couple of times.

  1. Minimum Qualifications Required

The test is taken by those who are in High School or who have just completed their High Schools. To seek admission to colleges, first, you need to complete your high school studies with good grades.


SAT is conducted to evaluate the student’s writing, reading, and Mathematical skills. The SAT subject test evaluated the students understanding and knowledge of their subject. You must be very well prepared for the SAT subject test as it is helpful to hype your scores.


Studying abroad in countries like the USA, Canada and UK might be a dream of many. But this process puts huge financial pressure on students along with their families because the wide gap between both currencies leads to huge financial burdens. Often people end up taking loans that worsen their economic situations.

To escape this vicious web, an SAT exam scholarship is your tool because a good SAT exam scholarship will cut short your expenses and thus relieve you from the financial burden.

And now you can read everything about GMAT just buy clicking on this link

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