GMAT Score for ISB
We receive a lot of messages on our Target 700+ facebook group from working professionals about What score to aim for in GMAT? or What GMAT Score for ISB is suitable? Is 700 plus the right GMAT Score? Is 720+ a decent GMAT Score for ISB? Don’t worry, I will answer this query below.
Why ISB is in demand?
Indian School of Business or in common parlance known as ISB is one of the premier B-School of India. The school has consistently landed a ranking in top 25 business school across the globe as per Financial Times Global MBA ranking, giving them the position higher than IIMs, heavyweights of Indian business school scenario. It is thus not hard to guess why ISB forms top choice for MBA aspirants in India and also why getting an admit is really competitive.
While MBA admission in ISB has lot of requirements in aspirant’s overall profile GMAT forms one of the major components of the application kit. This article specifically talks about GMAT score required to get an admit from ISB or many of what you may term as Right ISB GMAT Score !
So What is the ‘Right’ ISB GMAT Score ?
One thing that all the aspirants need to keep in mind is that GMAT is just one of the hurdle for getting an admit in ISB. What it means is that while a good score above a threshold is absolutely necessary, a very high score is not a guarantee for an admit as application takes into account a lot of other things like overall profile, work experience among others.
To get a better understanding of GMAT requirement we need to look at class of 2020 profile. ISB has two campuses, one in Hyderabad and one in Mohali. The GMAT range for the class of 2020 was 600 – 770. The average GMAT score for Hyderabad campus was 710 while for Mohali campus it was 708.
Will Only your GMAT Score Matter ?
Given the data there is hardly anything to choose between the two campuses. What does stand out is a range of GMAT score! One point to keep in mind here is that range is wide because it gives the highest and lowest score admitted. This might not present a clear picture as it includes outliers. It signifies that an aspirant who represented his/her country in sports might have got an admit with the score of 600. While somebody else who scored 770 was also admitted. Coming back to average, although it does provide a fair bit of idea an 80% range of class score is beneficial to know. This would have given a very clear picture of admits devoid of outliers a statistic frequently used by US Business schools. So to decode the GMAT score required for ISB further, we did our own primary and secondary research. Based on that were able to draw out some major findings:
- Chances of the call for an interview above the score of 730 was greater than ~95%
- Success rate of interview call above the score of 690 was ~75%
- Success rate of interview call below the score of 690 was ~35%
- Aspirants with score of above 720 had final admit rate of ~60%
- Final admit for aspirants with score lower than 690 was ~15%
- An aspirant with score of 760 was not admitted
Key Takeaways
In the absence of statistical evidence from ISB itself, it is very difficult to pin point exact conclusions on the range of acceptable GMAT scores. But our own research and experience, we can conclude following points:
- Chances of interview call are significantly higher with a score of 690 and above
- Chance of final admit are significantly higher with a score of 720 and above
- A score in excess of 750 certainly doesn’t guarantee admission
- Aspirants with technical or finance background would need some extra legs for their application to run
One point to remember is that while GMAT certainly forms an important part of the application, it is not the sole criteria for final admission. For more insights on what B-Schools look for in application you can read our detailed article. Also you can drop us a line at our in the below form to get a free evaluation form our expert counselor on your profile or to engage a personal GMAT tutor for your preparation.

GMAT Score for ISB